I’ve not gone away you know!!

Well, Its been a mental few months.


Since May I’ve taken on 3 different jobs which have turned out to be twice the work I had initially estimated. I’m self employed for the past 10 years, but due to the recession and having my boys I haven’t done a lot of work in the past 7 years but this year its all picked up again. I’m not used to juggling my full time mother job and my part time paid job. The boys have had school holidays since the 24th June so its even harder trying to get quiet time in the office to get these blasted reports written. My parents have taken them for little holidays which has been great and they can amuse themselves in their lego room in the shed for a while most days. So I am getting there. I seem to be working 6 – 7 days a week though which is getting me down, I mean I’m barely getting 8 hours work done in any one day but it s continuously on my mind and when I’m not working I feel guilty. Its messing with my sleep too and creating all sorts of vicious circles. But, anyway thats my whinging over with.


I have started doing a bit of sewing again and this week cut out 3 items I aim to finish before we go on our annual holiday to the in laws in The Netherlands in August. First is the Anda Dress a Burdastyle pattern . I made it a few years ago in a knit but thats gone in the recycling bin. I’m making it from a poly / viscose fabric I picked up in Utrecht market last summer. I love the colour and pattern on the fabric.

Anda dress

I muslined the Sewaholic Crescent Skirt 2 weeks ago and have cut a real one out of a tie-dyed denim from Minerva Crafts.


Crescent skirt cutout


Lastly I had some cotton floral print I got in a fabric shop somewhere – I thought Id get a Sewaholic Alma out of it but only enough for a Sorbetto, but thats ok I can wear a cardi with it.


That will be the sum total of my summer sewing, if I have time later I might do a roundup of everything I’ve sewn. This includes a Sewing Cake Tiramisu, Miette skirt (Tilly) and the Paula Pleat Skirt (Maria Denmark) I managed to sew earlier in the Summer before the crazy work really got going, a pair of burda easy skinny pants – made as cut offs. Sorry have no good photos just snap taken for IG.

Paula pleat skirttiramisu

In other news: Louise from not sew simple has nominated me for a Liebster Award. I will blog this later on when I have time to think about it. Its very exciting getting an award and my little blog is barely 7 months old!!



And, and, and, after reading a review on ANgela’s Blog I ordered this little beauty, I’ve only had a chance to glance through it but when I get time in the Autumn (hopefully) I’m going to experiment.

sew stylish book


Ok, Back to work, weathers beautiful so I’m going to skive off for the afternoon and bring the boys to the lake for a dip!!


Hope you are all enjoying your summer…